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Source: McKethan Family Archives
Fifteen January 1945 was a significant day in the life of Kenneth and Elizabeth McKethan since it was on this day that their eldest son, K.A. (Sandy) McKethan, Jr. was born. Sandy arrived with much anticipation per letters exchanged between Elizabeth and Kenneth. Kenneth's salutation to Elizabeth changed from the singular 'Darling' to the plural 'Darlings. In his letters to Elizabeth, Kenneth began to add postscripts to his new son. The following is an example of these postscripts: My dearest Sandy, Your Pa has been hearing some mighty good compliments on you and your mother and you can bet your rubber pants that I'm very proud of you both. Stay sweet, Your Dad The first letter is postmarked on 14 February 1945. This letter, sent from Kenneth to Elizabeth, contained a letter (dated 15 January 1945) sent to Kenneth that described Sandy's birth. The letters below were written from Kenneth to Elizabeth and contain comments about Sandy's anticipated arrival and details from the day of his birth. The 14 February 1945 letter contains a letter written on 15 January 1945 which details the drama of Sandy's birth
2nd Armored Division: During the day on 14 January, elements of the 2nd Armored Division captured Wibrin, and seized Chevroumont and the high ground north of Petite Mormont. After engineers constructed a twenty-four-foot bridge over Rau de Valire, units of the division advanced three miles. Combat Command A was about two to three miles north of Houffalize with the goal to capture Hoffalize the next day. Task Force X captured a hill north of Wilgne in a predawn attack. The capture of the hill took ten minutes after the launch of the attack. Next, the task force moved against the twin villages of Dinez and Wilogne capturing their objective by 6:30 that night. The day of 15 January saw the ring tightening around Houffalize.
67th Armored Regiment: By 15 January, the regiment had pushed past Wilogne and Dinez, taken Mont, and pushed toward the high ground northwest of Houffalize. In the push to take the high ground, there were long-range duels with antitank guns from the east but with no losses suffered. At 0800 on 15 January, an officer's meeting was held at the 3rd Battalion Command Post in Pisserotte. Company "H" 67th Armored Regiment was ordered to attack in a column of platoons with the right platoon on the hard road. The mission was to proceed to objective "11", continue to "12" and establish a block to the east. Company "C" 67th followed behind leading elements of Company "H", swung left, and joined infantry to support them in the cleanup of the area and protect the left flank. Objective No. "11" was secured by 1115. Objective "12" was held by about 100 enemy troops and two tanks. The area was
attacked with mortars, artillery, and smoke. Direct fire was received from the left at 1130. Later at 1210A, Company "I" was ordered forward...their attack jumped off at 1300A. By 1414 against artillery and tank fire, the road junction was secured and the force pushed on Taverneux. After the town and the objectives were secured, the 3rd Battalion was relieved by the 2nd Battalion. Maintenance and rehabilitation were ordered for the 3rd Battalion. During 17, 18, and 19 January 1945, remained in the assembly area at Pisserotte On 16 January from the high ground vantage, the unit observed the linking of the 2nd Armored Division (elements of the 82nd Reconnaissance Battalion and elements of the 11th Armored Division in Houffalize). This linking severed the "Bulge" at the Houffalize communications nerve center and ended any hopes of using the salient for any offensive action (History 67th Armored Regiment p. 45 and p.292-293).
67th Armored Regiment After Action Report
Monday, 15 January. (Verbatim). During the evening of 14 Jan 1st BN 333rd Inf Regt moved into Dinex to relieve 2nd Bn, 333 inf. 2/333 remained in Dinez until morning of 15 Jan. Attack orders issued at 142300A to representatives of all units in TF"X" and confirmed by Field Order. Generally TF"X" to continue attack at 151100A towards Houffalize to resecure objectives. Town of Dinex and Wilgne secured for night of 14-14 Jan. Patrols were sent out to high ground south of Dinez prior to attack. Attack jumped off at 151100A with 1/67 attacking on left and 1/333 on right. Moderate enemy resistance was encountered. By 1130A tanks began entering Mont and waited for infantry to follow up. Mopping up continued and Mont was finally secured. Tanks took position to support the advance of TF"X" on our left. Forces reorganized and finally jumped off to secure high ground vicinity P604733 just north of Houffalize and began securing for this night.TF:Y" on our left secured Tavennaux (P 614735) and T.F. of CC"A" on our right reached vicinity P594733. Enemy resistance was not too strong during the day's attack, mostly amounting to S/A auto-matic weapons, several enemy tanks with withdrew from firefights and some artillery fire.
Tuesday 16 January. (Verbatim). Generally TF"X" remained holding same front line positions just north of Houffalize. Patrolling was carried out to south to the river to determine enemy present. Elements of 3d Army had reached south of Houffalize closing the gap and gaining forces. T.F."X" received orders to be relieved in sector by TF"D" of CC"B". Relief started about 1300A. Rcn Co relieved from TF"X" and 3rd BN, 67th A.R., attached regt. Regt to be in CC"B" reserve composed of 67th (-2d Bn, Rcn & Maint Co's). Relief completed at about 2000A. 1/67 A.R. assembled vicinity Wildgn-Dinez. 3/67 already assembled vicinity of Pisserotte. Billeting parties alerted for movement to new vicinity (After Action Report 67th Armored Regiment 2nd Armored Division 6 June 44-May 1945, pp. 125-126).